Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Symptoms of the caged soul

The Scriptures reveal that man is a tripartite being, that is, he is made up of a soul and a spirit, both of which live in a body.God, the wonderful creator, wishes that man prospers in these three departments of his being especially the soul which is the spiritual part of his life.The enemy knows this, therefore, he attacks and cages man’s soul thus rendering him weakened, and unfulfilled in his earthly and heavenly pursuits.

The question now is:
1) How can a caged soul be delivered and made to prosper?
2) How can you know when a soul is caged?

Ezekiel 13:18-20
The creation of man is a wonderful process. The Bible says:” I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14).The creation of man took place in three stages:1. God Himself sat down, took dust, molded it and formed man. (Next times, when you feel like boasting, remember that you are ordinary dust); whenever you feel like broadcasting yourself, it is Mr. Dust that you are broadcasting.At burial ceremonies, it is said, “Dust unto dust ashes unto ashes.” That is, the person came from dust and is going back to be dust as it is put in the ground. That is why all the chemicals that make up the human body can also be found in the ground.

2. God breathed the breath of life into man’s nostrils, so that the Spirit of God moved into it to create the spirit of man which went straight into the blood.3. Man became a living soul, a distinct individual, a distinct personality.
The body of man is world-conscious. The soul of a man is the seat of his intellect, will and emotions; it is self- conscious. It is through the soul that a man knows that he is bold, weak, strong, and intelligent and that he is different from any other person.
The spirit of man is God - conscious, it is through it that he realizes that there is God and recognizes His Lordship. It is also through the spirit that man denies the existence of God and refuses to serve Him. Man is fearfully and wonderfully made.When the body is caged, it cannot move. It is limited and cannot do what it wishes to do. It has a problem.A person in Nsawam prison, for example, is limited. He is been watched and control, he cannot go about as he would have desired.

If a parrot is put in a cage, it is limited, it cannot fly. It can only hop within the confines of the cage.
When the spirit - man is caged; it means it is possessed and controlled by demonic spirits. They dictate what the spirit man should do and should not do. All witches, wizards and familiar spirits are possessed and controlled by the demon - spirits. It is amazing to know that these dark powers can summon a person out of his body.

The experiences that some people regard as dreams are not so; they are actual happenings in the spirit world.When you see yourself in the dream in your village or old secondary or primary school, or a house you lived before, it means that an evil covenant had been formed with your spirit at that location or that something went wrong there or that your placenta was buried there.

Sometimes, these powers make sure a tree is planted where the placenta is buried and the life of that child now depends on the growth of the tree. If the witches now decide to make that tree their meeting place, it means the child will be in their cage forever.One man went abroad to study. He always had a dream that he was carrying an old woman. Each time he tried to look at the face of the old woman, to know who she was, he got a slap and he woke up feeling the pains on his face. When he went to see a doctor, he was told that he was hallucinating.

One day, a woman came into his room with a gun, accusing him of debarring him from having her boy-friend. He told her that he did not know her; neither did he know the man she was talking about. Before he knew what was going on, he received gun-shots and he eventually died. The powers that were pursuing him for 13 years, caught up with him because he did not know what to do.
Take this prayer point:

Every power pursuing my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.

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