Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our Grace and Peace

1The first thing that you need to do is take an honest look at where you are and what you're going through. A lot of times when you're in the middle of a hard situation, the emotions of it can impact your ability to think clearly. This is a time where you may need other people who can be objective and help you see things from an outside perspective. Be careful however about who you go to for support in these situations--you want someone who will encourage you and lift you up as opposed to dwell on the negative situation along with you and make you feel worse.

Step 2) Focus on what you can control and don't fear or worry about what you can't. In most situations, fear and worry will drag out a situation longer because they paralyze you from taking any action against problems.

Step 3) Turn to God at the beginning of the situation if possible instead of making Him the "if all else fails" choice. I've learned over the years that if you pray about a hard situation at its onset, things seem to work out for the better a lot faster. He makes it possible to have peace through situations that otherwise it would not make logical sense by someone looking from the outside.

I think in many situations it's not that God doesn't want to help us but that people push Him out of their lives in favor of doing things their own way--which has an tendency of not working out like they expect...I've been there, too.

There is also a lot of solutions to life's problems already in the Bible--you just have to be willing to look. The Internet makes that easier now than ever to look up a situation by topic.

Step 4Pay attention to what you're saying both to yourself and other people. If you focus on talking about problems and difficulties all they time, not only do they not go away but they tend to compound. If you focus on the good--no matter how small in the beginning--it will increase in your life.

Step 5Lastly, remember that time is going to impact the situation. Many of us have had times in our life where we didn't know how things were going to go, and now they are nothing but a distant memory despite how intense the situation felt at the time. Time and experience will give you perspective, and you can learn over time how to navigate good times and difficult times. Best wishes to you!

Today Is Only One Day From Being The Past...

Today is only one day from being the past... look forward to tomorrow. Looking back at yesterday too much will only hinder your tomorrow. If you can never get 'past the past,' tomorrow will never be tomorrow, you will just keep reliving yesterday. In Philippians 3:13 Paul wrote in his letter to Jesus’ followers, “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind, and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me Heavenward, in Christ Jesus.” If we could just break away from our yesterday's our tomorrow's could be so amazing.

People and situations from our past just seem to have a way of coming up again and again. Ask yourself why? Is it Love? Hatred? Happiness? Sadness? pain? Why? Sometimes, pondering the past can be a good thing, it is always said that hindsight is 20/20, and it truly is. You just can't dwell in it. Look at it, learn from it, let it go, and look forward. If God can forgive you the past, why can't you? You really should just move on with this realization: Your life does not need to be this way. If you trust in God, to lead you forward, you will never have to look behind you again.

Our lives were meant to be lived to glorify God. Not to be reviewed time and time again by satan. Satan will use every decision that you have ever made that lacked judgment, all of your anger, your deepest fears, and every second of your past to keep you in his grip. If you just have the courage to look to God, to ask him to forgive you, and to deliver you from it, he will. You can always trust him, he will not let you down. Jesus tells you in John 14:1 that you should “trust in God, and trust also in me.” God is good, he is faithful, and he will never break a promise. You are assured his forgiveness in 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” To be purified from all unrighteousness, to have the slate wiped clean... the sins of the past made irrelevant to your future. Incredible!

So many times, we ask God for forgiveness, and he grants our prayers giving us peace, and new found joy... yet we still hold on. We can't let go of it... He washes it away, but we cling to it like a life preserver. It's familiar, it feels safe. You know that place... but, it's not safe to be in the middle of the ocean clinging to a life preserver, just barely hanging on, with sharks circling, getting closer and closer, just waiting to attack… now is it? You are not safe there! It’s just a disaster waiting to happen! Yet, you know how you feel, and what you need to do to just get through the day. Let God be your life preserver, God can give you so much more than just a way to get through the day. He can give you a new life. He can make you a completely new person. The past can be resolved, and you can have a fresh start!

When God takes control, when he starts giving you guidance, you may not always like what he has to say, but you will have him by your side for every step you take. You are promised this in Joshua 1:9: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

He will provide you with wisdom and guidance. “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” (Isaiah 58:11) He will provide you with guidance... but will you obey him? Or will you talk yourself out of hearing what he has to say to you... that's crazy! I could never do that on my own.... It's impossible! Good news! You don't have to do it on your own, and it's not crazy or impossible... Be assured that God is of sound mind, and you won't be doing it yourself. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells you to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” God will find a way to enable you to do his will. So often it will be so far outside of your comfort zone that it seems impossible, but it’s not. With God, impossibility does not exist. He doesn't just say “do it,” and then walk away. He will never leave you. He will always be there with continual guidance and encouragement.

However, Jesus does not offer you a free pass from struggles, but he does give assurance that you will find a way to get through your struggles. Nothing is so horrible that God can’t bring you through it. “Through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the Glory of God. Not only so but we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope.” (Romans 5:2-4) He won’t just bring you through it either, he will make tons of good out of every ounce of your pain. He will bring you unimaginable hope, in the most painful moment imaginable. You just need to have a little faith... Jesus said in Matthew 17:20 “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” That is really all it takes, just a little faith... a little faith goes a long way when your faith is in Jesus Christ, the Lord and savior.


Grace of the Cross

All my writings deal with the internal--the heart and soul of man. It seems to me that most messages and sermons today are dealing with the external--church unity, government, finances, relationships, marriage, etc. They are preaching a right heart toward God and man without taking the necessary measures to have a right heart toward God and man.

The church leaders of our day are trying to motivate people to walk in love, faith, and unity so that the impending hard times won’t hit them so hard. That sounds good--very good, but if the problem is a faulty call to salvation whereby hearts are not completely won over to God’s point of view, the called for results are not possible. For God made it all not only possible, but doable, through the work of the cross.

When one comes to God to receive salvation, the work of the cross crucifies their old man and resurrects the recipient to new life--he or she becomes a brand new man or woman in which God has created a heart to please Him. Thus, if that work is faulty the whole work is faulty. The faith, love, and unity needed to overcome these difficult days can only come about through the work of the cross.

Since I think Daniel’s prophesies for the latter days, well describes the church, I also believe the prayer he prayed in Daniel chapter 9 is the prayer and focus of the hour.

He prayed, acknowledging that God is a God who keeps His covenants and that we--God’s chosen people--are in derision and confusion due to our own sin and he then goes on to pray that God would bring us to a place of repentance where we can have truth and understanding again.

The way to receive this new heart that the church needs is to call the solemn assembly--gather the whole church and cry out together for restoration and the latter rain as described in Joel chapter 2.

Credit: © Sylvia Huffnagle

Do You Act Like A Christian

Do You Act Like A Christian?

This article is not about what most Christians would think by reading the title. I’m not addressing being nice to others. I’m talking about some other very important Christian activities.

A man asked, “Why doesn’t my wife believe that I’m a Christian? I mean, she doesn’t treat me as if she believes I’m a godly man.”

I say, “I don’t know. Let’s try to get to the bottom of this. First, what kind of company do you keep?”

Well..., I like to chat with the neighbors, but none of them are living for the Lord. And it’s true that most of my hunting buddies are ungodly. The phone calls I get are from worldly people and we usually have quite a lot to talk about, but she should see that I’m not like them.”

I ask him, “Why?”

“Because I’m a really nice guy, anybody will tell you that.”

“Yeah, but she may be remembering what the Bible says about the company we keep. For instance, Ps: 1 describes how a man of God will act, do you fit?”

Ps: 1:1-6: “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2: But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3: And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 4: The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 5: Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6: For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

The man appeared to be embarrassed.

Then I say, “And then there is Ps: 119:63 which tells you who you should be hanging out with. It says, “I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.”

And there’s Prov: 13:20: He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

And Proverbs 28:7: Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son: but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father.

How about 1Cor: 5:9-11: I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: 10: Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. 11: But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

Jesus said, ‘You shall know them by their fruits.’

And Prov: 20:11 says, Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.”

What do you watch on TV, etc.?”

“Well, I don’t watch the bad stuff. I watch sports, commercials, old movies, some other clean shows.

“Well, the scriptures say, Prov: 4:23: 3: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life

Ezek: 14:1 teaches about what we feast our eyes on: Then came certain of the elders of Israel unto me, and sat before me. 2: And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 3: Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be enquired of at all by them?

And then there’s Rom: 13:14: But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Gal: 6:7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8: For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Eph: 5:11: And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Does she see you pursuing God?”

“No. I’m a private person.”

“Does she see you praying?”

“No. Same reason--I’m a private person.”

“You don’t pray together?”

“No. She did suggest it once, but I wasn’t comfortable with it.”

“When you talk, does your talk tell her that you are concerned about pleasing God?”

“Probably not. What does a person say about that?”

“Does her talk give you the idea that she wants to please God and do right?”


“That’s what a person who is godly sounds like. What does she see and hear that should convince her of your devotion to God and godly things?”

“Well, I don’t take the Lord’s name in vain. And I don’t go drinking or running around with women. I help the neighbors and treat people good.”

“Well, all that is good, but it does not tell your wife that you belong to God, therefore, don’t fault her for wondering how saved you are when you don’t heed the word of God which can save your soul.

Jas: 1:21-27: Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. 22: But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 23: For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: 24: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 25: But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. 26: If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. 27: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

The world is a snare, Mr. And the Bible teaches us to protect ourselves from all its subtleties by putting on the full armor of God. One of those pieces of armor is to have your lions--vulnerable parts--girt about with the truth. God’s word is truth. It’s the truth that will protect you from the wisdom of the world. 1Cor: 3:19: For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.

Prov: 1:20-33 has this to say about God’s wisdom: Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: 21: She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, 22: How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? 23: Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. 24: Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; 25: But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: 26: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; 27: When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. 28: Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: 29: For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: 30: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. 31: Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. 32: For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. 33: But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.”

“How did we get on wisdom? I was talking about my wife trusting me to be a godly man.”

“My guess is that she sees your enjoyment of worldly activities and people, but she does not see your involvement with God and she is unsure of your relationship with Him.”

Credit: © Sylvia Huffnagle

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Smiling Criple


If this doesn't touch you and move you, I don't know what will. The power of the human spirit is shown at its mightiest by this one little girl.
I salute her.Qian HongYan lost her legs in an accidentHer family in China are poor and couldn't afford prosthetic legs, so she uses a basketball to help her move. - Qian uses two wooden props to drag herself, and never complain, even though she has worn out six basketballs. -She attends her class- She always smilesAlways cheerful
Be gratefull with what you have

The smiling crippled girl
Qian HongYan lost her legs in an accident

Qian uses two wooden props to drag herself, and never complains, even though she has worn through six basketballs.
She always smiles

Always cheerful


always positive
With your help she is now able to afford a pair of prosthetic legs.

Smile always
Be grateful with what you have.

Growing Phenomenon of Homeschooling

Home schooling is defined simply as the "education of school-aged children at home rather than at a school. Home schools, according to those who have observed or created them, are as diverse as the individuals who choose that educational method.

The victory of home schooled 13-year-old Rebecca Sealfon in the 1997 National Spelling Bee brought new attention to the growing phenomenon of home schooling. Dissatisfied with the performance of government-run schools, more and more American families have begun teaching their children at home. Estimates of the number of home schooled children vary widely; the best estimate is 500,000 to 750,000, but some estimates range up to 1.23 million. All observers agree that the number has grown rapidly over the past 15 years.

There are two historical strains of home schooling, a religious-right thread inspired by author Raymond Moore and a countercultural-left thread inspired by John Holt. Their differences illustrate the various concerns that cause people to choose home schooling: some want religious values in education, some worry about the crime and lack of discipline in the government schools, some object to the conformity and bureaucracy in the schools, others are concerned with the declining quality of education, and still others just feel that children are best educated by their parents.

A recent boom in the number of home schooled students winning admission to selective colleges demonstrates both the growth and the effectiveness of home schooling. The lesson for educational reformers is that home schooling, with minimal government interference, has produced literate students at a fraction of the cost of any government program. Home schooling has been largely deregulated, but further deregulation would make parents' task easier.

Growing phenomenon of home schooling

Thirteen-year-old Rebecca Sealfon of Brooklyn, New York, brought new attention to the growing phenomenon of home schooling when she became the first home schooled child to win the National Spelling Bee. She was one of 17 home schooled students among 245 competitors in the 70th annual bee, held in May 1997

The rise of home schooling, of course, reflects broadening dissatisfaction with formal education in the United States. From its modest beginnings in one-room schoolhouses, American education has grown into a gargantuan government enterprise. Today, about 50 million students attend more than 85,000 public schools and more than 26,000 private schools. Education is the largest line item in most state budgets. The average per pupil expenditure in America's public schools is $6,993.

Ironically, given the amount of money expended on teaching young people, public dissatisfaction with America's schools is high. In a Gallup Poll, "The Public's Attitudes toward the Public Schools," 45 percent of the respondents gave America's schools low grades--C, D, or F.

Dissatisfaction is high for two reasons. First, American public schools are turning out a poor product--illiterate and unprepared graduates. For example, American 13-year-olds have been documented as having math skills that rank below those of 13-year-olds in 14 other developed countries. One survey noted that only one in three high school juniors could place the Civil War in the right half century. Not coincidentally, American companies are spending billions of dollars a year on remedial education for their employees.

Equally troubling, public schools have become crime scenes where drugs are sold, teachers are robbed, and homemade bombs are found in lockers. A Metropolitan Life study released in 1993 reported that over 10 percent of teachers and 25 percent of students had been victims of violence at or near their public schools.

To compound the problem, teachers' unions, school officials, and many politicians adamantly oppose the use of public monies for innovative solutions, such as vouchers and charter schools. Those alternatives, although not a panacea for all the present problems, are at least promising vehicles that could help poor and middle-income parents to find better schools for their children and break up the monopoly of a "one-size-fits-all" philosophy of education.

In light of the educational quagmire the United States finds itself in toward the end of the 20th century, many parents, impatient for reform, are taking matters into their own hands. One alternative that is gaining growing public acceptance is the educational option known as home schooling.

Homeschoolers like to say that the world is their classroom. Or, as John Lyon, writing for the Rockford Institute, has observed,

Schooling, rather obviously, is what goes on in schools; education takes place wherever and whenever the nature with which we are born is nurtured so as to draw out of those capacities which conduce to true humanity. The home, the church, the neighborhood, the peer group, the media, the shopping mall . . . are all educational institutions.

Modern learning theories aside, homeschoolers believe that the student who receives his instruction simultaneously from the home and the community at large will be a more culturally sophisticated child than the one the bulk of whose learning experiences is confined to a school. The historical record offers noteworthy examples of the "world is my teacher" model. Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Edison, Andrew Wyeth, Pearl Buck, and the Founding Fathers were all taught at home. Those famous Americans' parents were pioneers.

Symptoms of the caged soul

The Scriptures reveal that man is a tripartite being, that is, he is made up of a soul and a spirit, both of which live in a body.God, the wonderful creator, wishes that man prospers in these three departments of his being especially the soul which is the spiritual part of his life.The enemy knows this, therefore, he attacks and cages man’s soul thus rendering him weakened, and unfulfilled in his earthly and heavenly pursuits.

The question now is:
1) How can a caged soul be delivered and made to prosper?
2) How can you know when a soul is caged?

Ezekiel 13:18-20
The creation of man is a wonderful process. The Bible says:” I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14).The creation of man took place in three stages:1. God Himself sat down, took dust, molded it and formed man. (Next times, when you feel like boasting, remember that you are ordinary dust); whenever you feel like broadcasting yourself, it is Mr. Dust that you are broadcasting.At burial ceremonies, it is said, “Dust unto dust ashes unto ashes.” That is, the person came from dust and is going back to be dust as it is put in the ground. That is why all the chemicals that make up the human body can also be found in the ground.

2. God breathed the breath of life into man’s nostrils, so that the Spirit of God moved into it to create the spirit of man which went straight into the blood.3. Man became a living soul, a distinct individual, a distinct personality.
The body of man is world-conscious. The soul of a man is the seat of his intellect, will and emotions; it is self- conscious. It is through the soul that a man knows that he is bold, weak, strong, and intelligent and that he is different from any other person.
The spirit of man is God - conscious, it is through it that he realizes that there is God and recognizes His Lordship. It is also through the spirit that man denies the existence of God and refuses to serve Him. Man is fearfully and wonderfully made.When the body is caged, it cannot move. It is limited and cannot do what it wishes to do. It has a problem.A person in Nsawam prison, for example, is limited. He is been watched and control, he cannot go about as he would have desired.

If a parrot is put in a cage, it is limited, it cannot fly. It can only hop within the confines of the cage.
When the spirit - man is caged; it means it is possessed and controlled by demonic spirits. They dictate what the spirit man should do and should not do. All witches, wizards and familiar spirits are possessed and controlled by the demon - spirits. It is amazing to know that these dark powers can summon a person out of his body.

The experiences that some people regard as dreams are not so; they are actual happenings in the spirit world.When you see yourself in the dream in your village or old secondary or primary school, or a house you lived before, it means that an evil covenant had been formed with your spirit at that location or that something went wrong there or that your placenta was buried there.

Sometimes, these powers make sure a tree is planted where the placenta is buried and the life of that child now depends on the growth of the tree. If the witches now decide to make that tree their meeting place, it means the child will be in their cage forever.One man went abroad to study. He always had a dream that he was carrying an old woman. Each time he tried to look at the face of the old woman, to know who she was, he got a slap and he woke up feeling the pains on his face. When he went to see a doctor, he was told that he was hallucinating.

One day, a woman came into his room with a gun, accusing him of debarring him from having her boy-friend. He told her that he did not know her; neither did he know the man she was talking about. Before he knew what was going on, he received gun-shots and he eventually died. The powers that were pursuing him for 13 years, caught up with him because he did not know what to do.
Take this prayer point:

Every power pursuing my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


That God gave the Bible through the Jewish People for mankind, but today there are about 14 million Jewish people in the world and almost 99% of them do not believe in Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah.

Statistics show that more than half of the Jewish people who do believe in Yeshua came to know Him through reading the Messianic Prophecies.

Encourage your friends to read the New Testament and the prophecies of Christ in the Old Testament.



You must determine to do what Romans 6:12 says and "let not sin...reign in your mortal body."
Meditate day and night on the Word of God Joshua 1:8
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Having the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16.
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Philippians 2:5
If we do these things, then we would have no time to meditate on the things of this world, would we?

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but let us be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Psalm 10:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Are we a new creation? How much have we changed since giving our life to Jesus? Have we really given our heart to Jesus, or have we just repented of our sins, and continued in our old way without letting Jesus change us?
Is Jesus really the Lord of our life?
There is a war going on inside of us right now.
I guess there will be a war going on until we are promoted to Glory, as satan does not want anyone of us to reach our heavenly mansion.

Just as I Am

"Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God I come! I come!"

Charlotte Elliot (1789-1871)

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, (argue this out) saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, (No matter how deep the stain of your sins I can remove it) they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

I wonder if for some of us, there are still some stains of sin left in us, and day by day we are overcoming, maybe it is a struggle to overcome, and the Christians around us are making it even harder instead of helping us through the disastrous situation some are in.

Reading the book by Rev. Peter Hobson, "We all have our Demons" lets us know we will have to overcome until Jesus comes, due to our spiritual makeup.


Rev Peter Hobson has a number of very good End Time Deliverance books written, each one being very valuable, and full of deliverance knowledge..

We are told each week that Jesus has forgiven us, for some, it would seem that there was no forgiveness left, but there is, while ever we have life there is hope.

Philippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out our own salvation with fear and trembling

How many of us are working out our Salvation with fear and trembling? Or are we just hoping that we will make it to heaven, hoping that things will just happen for us, and and doing everything else other than being filled with the Holy Spirit? Only each one of us can answer this.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

It is so important that we do humble ourselves and pray, and the more we pray, the closer we come to Jesus and the more protection we have in these last days.
God the Father made us to have fellowship with Him, and we do have to ask ourselves; do we have the fellowship that He requires of us.
Love you, and bless you, and The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: Numbers 6:25

Love and Blessings

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Identity Theft and Symptoms of Love.

Before I proceed with this article, I want to say thank you to all my readers and those who follow my updates.

Technology has been helpful to mankind in many ways- in the banking sector it has make financial transaction easy, it has been helpful in the educational institute’s and it has gradually increase efficiency in the health institute-Technology has improve life for some and has made many lazy and some less busy- even though we all appreciate technology and believe it has one in way or the other improve our lives, many women today are becoming victims for criminals engaging in dubious business by hidden behind technology.

Many years ago, Africa has been lacking behind development in terms of ICT or Information Technology- and many government in the west and the middle east have fight so much to help build an ICT Africa, today with the little technology we have- many men and women are able to hide behind this to dupe and prey on the westerners.

In 2007, a young woman from the United State called Sarah- met a another young man who claim to be from the United State- and working in the Caribbean, and both profess to be single and never married before, they become acquainted through the net and start communicating with each other, weeks have passed and the man start calling the young woman with a phone number originate from California (Los Angeles- to be precise). He started sending her flowers ordered via the internet- and their friendship has develop so much that the young woman fell in love with the man he has not seen before but only communicate via email and IM’s.

After three months passed- the young man proposed marriage and promise to come back home to New York from the Bahamas in the Caribbean, but he also claim that before he will come down to the U.S he must go to Africa- South Africa for a business contract, a week later he called the woman and claim he has traveled to South Africa and they chat and converse as usual, the day he promise to fly from South Africa to US- he claim another business problem occurs so he must go to Ghana.

Now, in Ghana- the took two weeks absence from contacting the woman- he later contact the woman and claim to be in a serious trouble- and the trouble was that “he has lost his credit card and has run out of money and he also needed to pay some money for his flight fare from Ghana direct to the US” the young woman become compassionate and decide to help him- he later sent him USD$10,000.

After weeks of silence, he contacted the young woman and ask for a huge sum of money he claim for a business he claim will benefit both of them for over 2 million US$, this business he claim was to order some Gold he come across at very cheap prices. Someone will wonder and ask how much did he required for! The woman with the heart of love later sent 300,000 US$Hidden behind technology in Ghana, he was able to send the woman through the Caribbean through to Europe and finally to Africa where he is originally.

Many women have been falling victim to these scammers from Africa- someone may wonder and ask how did they hide behind technology without them been notice where they are from!Here is the answer to your question.

In 2005 many internet dating site began to block access to people from Africa, due to the so many scam or duping taken place on the net- dating agencies such as, , , and many other dating agencies or website sites- such as , and many other homosexual dating sites.

As a result of this, these people from Africa would have to look for another way to get registered on this website without been notice- that was when the search for hiding behind technology began.

Many software developers by then have already develop software’s on the market that can hide your identity or IP address or location from been notice by any website server, such as the website mentioned above. Companies such as:

Hide-My-IP.Com - Protect your identity and your IP address. Hide My IP is easy to use software that allows you to hide your IP address at the click of a button.

Ninja Cloak Fast, free, anonymous web browsing with NinjaCloak.comNinja Cloak makes your browsing experience totally anonymous by hiding information such as your IP address from web servers,

Tunnelier (Bitvise)Bitvise Tunnelier: SSH Terminal, Tunneling and File Transfer

All of the companies I mention above can hide your identity from any browser, server or security location blocker- and you can be in Ghana and register as America, Russian or UK, with this technologies and more- there is no way you can be prevent from becoming fake American.

Now what about the telephone number’s they have been using to make the phone calls? These are either GPRS or other means of technology such as: Magic - (Never pay a monthly phone bill again) Free local and long distance calling in the USA and Canada. 100% Risk Free 30 Day Trial.

(Magic Jack calling is a software you can buy install for your PC in any country- they will give you a valid US number and even though you are not in the US, you can receive phone calls the moment your PC is on and make phone calls across the world). Free International Phone Calls TUITALK Free Phone Calls. (With tuitalk, you even don’t pay- all you do is download and install to your PC) I can mention as many as I can imagine- yahoo offer phone numbers which you can own and make calls all over the world and receive phone calls without your location been identify- and with this technological abilities, people can do what they want whenever they want to.

They stole white men pictures from sites like:,, and many other modelling websites on the internet.

Now, back to the main story, after he collected the money from the young woman who thought she has found a lover- he was no where to be found after he called the woman and claim to be back in the US but wanted to sale the gold and refund her money- since he doesn’t want to marry her again.Some of the dubious criminals will not even contact you again talking about paying you back.

These have been the fate of many women who wanted to find a true love and not any other place, rather the internet dating.What saddens my heart is when I see these young men wasting the monies someone has spend years to sow and harvest and they using one week, month or year to destroy, I can IMAGINE the PAINS and SCARS they live on the heart and emotions of these women who have falling victim for them.

I remember rescuing two of these women and that happened by chance, I decide to visit the public café one afternoon- so when I got in the was this young man seated before a computer browsing and he was talking with two women from the US and I peep in his screen and I notice he was lying to them about giving or selling gold to them, I got the emails and later contact and find out that, they were about to send down huge sums of money for the Gold to be transported to them the next day before I got in.

Till now I am writing this article- there are countless number of young men involve in this dubious act and taken advantage of vulnerable women who hope to find genuine love on the internet.

Someone may wonder why! If you are a Christian then I refer you to the book of 2Timothy 3:1 to 7.Pass the story on and save someone from been a victim to the devil

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Avoiding Identity Theft

Everyone seems to be worried about having their identity stolen, and justifiably so. Turn your back for a second, and your purse is gone. Fax information to someone, and the next thing you know, someone is buying concert tickets with your credit card.
There are some things you can do to help yourself in the event you become a victim of identity theft.

The next time you order checks have only your initials (instead of first name) and last name put on them. Your bank will know how you sign your checks.
Never have your Social Security number printed on your checks.
Make a coppy of both sides of each license and credit card. You will have all of the account numbers and phone numbers for the things in your wallet in case you need to call and cancel the cards. Keep the photocopy in a safe place. Make sure that someone knows how to access this information in an emergency.

Carry your wallet or billfold in a way that is difficult for someone to get a hold of. A pocket with a zipper works well. If someone grabs your purse, the articles most wanted aren't in there. If you carry your wallet in a fanny pack, wear it in front.
Carry a photocopy of your passport when you travel.

When you leave your passport in a hotel room, lock it in the safe.
Cancel your credit cards immediately if they are stolen.
File a police report in the jurisdiction in which the theft occurred.
Call the three national credit reporting organizations to place a fraud alert on your name and Social Security number.

Equifax: 1-800-525-6285

Experian (formerly TRW): 1-888-397-3742

Trans Union: 1-800-680-7289

Social Security Administration (fraud line): 1-800-269-0271

Remember, you can prevent this kind of thing from happeneing to you. Be smart, and don't give the thieves an opportunity to take advantage of you.
Have you or someone you know been a victim of identity theft? This article will help you avoid that, or show you what to do if it happens to you.

Self-managing internet applications

A European research project that incubates self-managing internet applications is paying off. It has inspired a Wikipedia that’s better than the original and super-efficient streaming video, with more to come.
The European research project SELFMAN has created a programming system that makes it much easier to build high-powered distributed internet applications that manage themselves.

Distributed applications tap the internet’s power by enabling hundreds, thousands, or even millions of devices and programs to link up and work together. These are the invisible programs that let users bank, buy and play games online, search for information, share files, and network with applications like Facebook and Twitter.
SELFMAN ensures that all those moving parts stay in touch, up-to-date, and work together smoothly without the teams of experts that have been needed to tweak, patch or protect the system as components come online or drop out, or in response to communication or component breakdowns, and even deliberate attacks.

“We want to make this kind of application easy, so people can really take advantage of this huge network of computers and small devices,” says Peter Van Roy SELFMAN’s coordinator based at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve in Belgium.
SELFMAN’s programming architecture and set of components have already sparked new applications that utilise and showcase its capabilities.
“It’s the first time that we’ve been able to get large internet applications with many computers talking together, when all the applications can take care of themselves,” says Van Roy. “Now we are taking this to the next level.”

What’s wilier than Wikipedia?
When you pitch a question to Wikipedia, you’re likely to be one of some 2000 people trying to access it that second. Wikipedia manages those 2000 requests per second, plus the constant stream of updates to its database of articles, by using at least 16 powerful database servers arranged in a master-slave architecture.
Researchers at the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), one of SELFMAN’s academic partners, decided to test the SELFMAN approach by implementing Wikipedia’s core database in a flexible, scalable and self-managing distributed system.

They based their Wikipedia on Scalaris, an open-source distributed database system that incorporates SELFMAN’s self-configuring, self-tuning and self-healing capabilities.
“Every piece of information in our Wikipedia exists four times – that’s a number that we found works well – and is spread over all the nodes,” says Van Roy. “A clever algorithm called Paxos does the heavy lifting to make sure the nodes all agree.”

They expected that their Wikipedia would have several advantages, including higher reliability, lower operating costs, and scalability – the ability to add new capacity easily in response to increasing demand. The Scalaris-based Wikipedia met all those expectations.
“With our wiki, if ten times as many people start to use it, you just add more machines,” says Van Roy. “We can handle far more users than the actual Wikipedia.”
In addition, since Scalaris takes care of itself in the unpredictable internet environment, the costs of keeping it running are significantly reduced.
ZIB’s Scalaris-based Wikipedia won first prize in the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 2008 Scalable Computing Challenge.
“It really shows the kind of things we want to do,” says Van Roy.
Streaming video on demand
The wide applicability of SELFMAN’s toolkit is evident in a completely different application – PeerTV, produced by another SELFMAN partner, Stockholm-based Peerialism.

“They had a very different problem,” says Van Roy. “PeerTV needed to manage load between flowing streams of video data coming from a few big servers but going to millions of clients.”
They solved the problem of streaming all that video reliably and efficiently by optimising peer-to-peer (P2P) networks with SELFMAN’s ability to balance loads and transfer data efficiently.
“Until now, P2P wasted enormous amounts of bandwidth because of its random routing of data,” says Van Roy. “Some service providers had to block certain P2P applications.”

In contrast, PeerTV connects components through a well-defined, constantly optimised topology. That “topologically aware” routing reduced network traffic by two-thirds.
Overall, PeerTV found that they could provide the same quality of service as established video providers, easily scalable to an unlimited number of viewers, but with a cost reduction of from 50 to 90 percent.

PeerTV has a direct commercial interest. Peerialism developed it for the Swedish company MPS Broadband AB, and Peerialism itself is currently being acquired by GGF.
Van Roy is excited by the varied applications that are starting to flow from SELFMAN. These include small applications, such as a program that lets users work together on a graphic design using their gPhones, and massive ones, such as a load-balancing system for France Telecom. But he is even more excited by SELFMAN’s implications.

“The actual smartness of the internet comes from applications like Google or Wikipedia, not from the plumbing that just shuffles data around,” says Van Roy. “SELFMAN takes those smart components and amplifies them – makes them automatically more efficient, more scalable and more robust.”
This is the second of a two-part special feature on SELFMAN.

The SELFMAN project received funding from the ICT strand of the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme for research.

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ICT: The Communication Cars

Creating resilience for vehicular applications

European researchers have developed promising approaches to a long-neglected aspect of car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communications: fault-tolerance and resilience. The technology is a vital component of emerging applications in such communication scenarios.

Automotive communications are a major element in the near future of vehicle technology, with applications ranging from variable road sign visualisation, to accident warnings and driver-support systems which automatically reduce speed in a hazardous situation. Ultimately, these systems could lead to much more automatic driving.
There are dozens of small, medium and large-scale EU-funded research projects aimed at safety on the road.

Hidenets is another one, but it is looking at a unique aspect: “We pretty much look at one aspect that has been neglected so far, mainly the reliability and dependability of applications running in these settings ... [making] sure that they do work reliably and that they are also available in the scenario, when you need them,” explains the project's coordinator Hans-Peter Schwefel.
Most projects look at specific issues relating to application optimisation, or fundamental communication issues – all essential elements for enhanced road safety through automotive communications.

But resilience is another essential aspect. Automotive communication in traffic scenarios is a phenomenally complex and dynamic field, dealing with vast numbers of fast-moving vehicles, all tied together by transitory webs of communications that can fade in and out. And they deal with potentially catastrophic events, like a car crash, where communications become even more vital.
The question Hidenets sought to answer was how can applications based on communications continue to function when the communications themselves break down?

“This is a problem that you don't only solve on the communications layer. The approach in Hidenets is to say that we cannot solve it all just by communications enhancements, we need to do something on middleware with some functionality that makes sure that, even if the communications doesn't work properly, the application can react to it, reconfigure itself and adapt to the situation,” Aalborg University's Schwefel stresses.
It is an important problem. Aside from safety and reliability issues, user acceptance and adoption of automotive communications technologies will depend on their trustworthiness.

Take ‘platooning’, where cars drive in a line with the lead car driven by a human that passes control information like speed, braking, turning and indicating to following cars. The cars drive tightly together, to take advantage of the slipstream.
This is an extreme dependability scenario, and the cars following are driven by the in-car control system. Such a platooning application is currently envisaged mainly for trucks; it may still take quite some time until it is available for private vehicles. Nevertheless, it is a useful use-case scenario because it requires very fast and reliable communications and computations.

All cars need to receive each piece of information and they need to receive it quickly and reliably – even when other nearby platooning cars are crowding the bandwidth with information zipping between them.
The issues here are timeliness and the detection of timing violations is crucial, so Hidenets developed the concept of a Reliable and Self-Aware clock. Duration measurement is a concept that notes any slowing caused by the local network or sluggish computation and factors that into communications and the application behaviour.
Timely timing, no less
The Timely Timing Failure Detector keeps track of the performance and can take fault-tolerance measures if required, for example alternative routing or a controlled braking instruction.

There are many other use cases, like Assisted Transportation, which looks at general driver assistance and collision avoidance. Or Car Crashes, where a distributed ‘black box’ can help provide context in the moments up to the crash, information that is time stamped and passed on to infrastructure and other cars as they pass.
Hidenets developed dozens of elements addressing specific resilience needs, such as continuity of communication, continuity of data, back-up and alternative actions in the absence of communication.

The project developed lab-based proof-of-concept scenarios, both in scaled-down models using remote-control cars, and computer simulations mimicking the network traffic for a busy road. The demonstrators succeeded and validated the researchers’ approach.
But the greatest contribution of the project was to develop a reference architecture and design methodology and related tools, so that researchers in the future can benefit from what Hidenets learned in their work. It is an impressive package.
Challenges remain
Even though the project is finished, some research problems remain to be solved. “We developed promising approaches and demonstrators proved the concepts, but more work needs to be done, particularly in relation to standards,” warns Schwefel.
Standards are essential if fault-tolerance and resilience are to gain traction in the industry, though Schwefel sees some promise in the example from the telecoms industry.
“The telecoms industry only started to really talk about resilience and reliability in the early 90s, but it was the late 90s by the time they had developed standard approaches to the problem. Before that they were proprietary,” he reveals.

One of the main fault-tolerance safeguards in the telecoms sector is a concept called cluster solutions, where multiple back-up nodes ensure communication is smoothly maintained even if an individual node breaks down. That is not an option for the highly dynamic traffic environment.
Nonetheless, Hidenets has made a promising start and Schwefel believes work on standards will begin to emerge as more and more in-car communications applications become active and the issue becomes more urgent.

In the meantime, the Hidenets consortium will discuss future potential projects and will continue their work through other research efforts. “And the partners have developed strong relationships and will continue to cooperate on certain aspects of the problem,” Schwefel underlines.
Ultimately, though, Hidenets has put resilience on the car communications development roadmap.
The Hidenets project received funding from the ICT strand of the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme for research.

Eradicating Internet Fraud In Ghana

In 2008, statistic or certified data show's that, only about 5% of Ghanaians have access to Internet, and about these 5% of the population having access to Internet- almost 99% of them are youth and teens.

It has been certified that- almost these 5% of Ghanaians accessing internet have had either formal or informal education. According to a recent statistic from Interpol Ghana, majority of these population having access to Internet had Basic School Education and they constitute to about 50%, Senior High School or Vocational school graduate constitute to 20% and 30%constitute professionals or University Graduate.

Now, almost 98% of the youth having access to the Internet are engage in Internet fraud. Recent International research confirms that- 98% of the Ghanaian youth accessing Internet are engage in Internet fraud, which means that- the substantial reason why many organizations are fighting to embed ICT or Internet into our education sector has been corrupt.
Most of the youth does not see the internet as an opportunity for open trade market or an instrument to enhance their education.

Just like a virus in pipe borne water can spread quickly, about 3 out of every ten students or pupils in basic school are said to engage in Internet fraud.
This resulting in school dropout, disobedience, crime and joblessness.

For this reason about 98% of the Ghanaian youth are not able to use the internet to enhance their education or future business or trade endeavors.
It has also been confirm that, for most of these youth engaging that are into internet fraud, their first encounter with the internet was to engage in an internet fraud. With these people, their first introduction to the internet was not done by a teacher in school or a community career center but rather friends who are already engage in the dubious business, meaning that there is no way they can have idea about the good ways of using the internet except for fraudulent activities.

For these reasons and more, I and my colleagues have decided to embark on a campaign, we theme: Internet for Education, Job Creation and Better World.
Already, we have been to three basic schools in the last two months, starting from our own community where this act is obvious. What we do is educate the student on how they can use the internet for school research, project works, articles that will enhance their English and know more about this global world. We teach them how to use search engines, libraries and other educational resources.

And this we do by organizing two days workshop for every basic school with permission from the school authorities.
So far it has been educative, entertaining and successful; the problem facing this project is as a result of funds to reach our target. Many of this schools does not have access to the internet in their campuses where we can meet majority of the student and as a result, we have been using wireless or mobile internet service provided by the telecommunication providers, which is very expensive.

Transportation problems, PCs and etc, we have hence decided to seek for funds from the public, and most the parent- does not know the implication of internet fraud on my our nation- getting donation from them is very much impossible.

We are therefore appealing to the public to be of help, so that I and my other three colleagues can realize this dream of ours in eradicating internet fraud and inculcating internet for education into our basic schools.

Currently I and some of my colleagues are offering free ICT tutoring in some of the basic schools. Please contact us to offer your assistance.

Sincerely grateful
Joshua Allegra

Contact: Mr Joshua Allegra
Mob: +233 246 623 249
Internet 4 Education
P.O.Box Ta 451 Taifa, Accra-Ghana

You can also contact the Blog page owner.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Love Is A never Ending Passion


I'd love to spend my days in a dream cottage for two
wrapped up in the paradise of loving you.

Nothing in the world can compare to the bliss that warms my soul when I imagine your kiss.I dream of making love to you before the fire

for you're all I want, my heart's greatest desire.
And there's nothing that I'd rather do,

than dedicate my life to loving you.


If I could spend a day with you, we'd never get enough of each other's company.We'd hold hands as we strolled along the beach, and we'd talk about everything.

If I could spend an evening with you, I'd cherish each minute that we're together. I'd stare into your eyes, and, without a single word, you'd know how much I love you.

If I could spend a night with you, I'd hold you in my arms the whole night long...and I'd make passionate love to you.

If I could spend my life with you, I'd try to make you happy. I'd always be there for you, wiping away your tears when you're sad or blue, and every day, I'd tell you how much I cherish you and our beautiful love.


Dear _____,
It has been so difficult for me to tell you this, but _______, I ______ you It's amazing how much those three little words can mean. Yet they're not nearly enough to describe a heart that's _______ with ______ and ______ only for you. When I think of the ______ we'll spend together, I'm filled with ______ and _____. I only want to make you ______, and I want to show you how much I ______ about ______. I want to know you're _____ forever, and that you're willing to _____ ____ with me. Please tell me that you _____ me too. If only there were stronger words to express what I feel for you, but for now, I ______ you will have to do. But imagine how wonderful it will be when I _____ you. Love,________

Have A Christlike Love- John 15:9-12

The gospels tell the story and the ministry of Jesus Christ.

They also tell us what Jesus' wants us to do as His followers. Mainly He tells us to love one another. He even tells us how we should love, using His perfect life as the model.

John 15:9-12"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.
Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will
remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands
and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may
be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is
this: Love each other as I have loved you."

How should we love one another? Jesus made it very clear. The Father loves the Son. The Son obeys the Father and remains in his love. Obey Jesus and remain in his love. This is not "I'll love you as long as you love me back". It's a commandment to love each other just as we are loved. Since we know that God and Jesus always love us, no matter what, then we should be glad to obey.

You are never wrong when you love

If we don't obey does that mean God and Jesus stop loving us? I don't think that's what the scripture is saying. Jesus says we will remain in his love if we obey his commands. I think he's warning us that we separate ourselves from the benefit of his love by our disobedience. He doesn't stop loving us, anymore than we stop loving our children when they disobey. But, we are taking ourselves out of his love. We stop experiencing it as long as we remain rebellious. This must be why we are constantly called to repent.

To acknowledge our sin. Then we can move out of the shadows and back into the light of God's love. If you are thinking, this all sounds good, but there are some people you just can't love, don't despair. We all probably feel that way at times, especially towards those who have hurt and wronged us. Again, remain in Jesus' love. Jesus loves everybody. He will love others through us. It's just another example of why we must continually let Him direct our lives and control our wills.

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Love Poems

Love Is Selfless And Bold In All Dificulties


1 Corinthians 13:13
We all are looking for meaningful relationships. At the center of every worthwhile relationship is love. How to be better lovers in all areas of our lives is an ongoing learning process.

Article by Tom Gilbert

Why is it that so much of our communicating with each other misses the mark? By the end of the day we will have done a lot of talking. Can you honestly reconstruct all those conversations? Did you really get what the people talking to you said? Or was it so much "blah blah blah,yada yada yada"?
The trouble I often have in a conversation is I spend entirely too much time thinking about what I'm going to say instead of listening to what people are saying to me. I'm up in my head instead of down in my heart.

The Greatest Distance

It's been said the greatest distance one will ever travel is the twelve inches from your head to your heart. Let's face it, there's enormous truth in that statement.
God wants us to communicate with the language of the heart. He is love and that's where love comes from. This language cannot be solely intellectual. It's honest and caring. It's certainly not self-centered. The heart, therefore, is much more than an organ pumping blood through our bodies.
This long journey from our intellect/mind/brain to the center of our soul is a lifetime one. Even when you finally make it there you can get lost again and have to find your way back.
The only way to be fluent in the language of the heart is to understand what it is and learn to speak it. As with any language, it takes practice and repetition.

What Is It?

So what is this language of the heart and how do we get better at speaking it?
The first step is to turn our attention to God. Jesus tells us that when we look to Him we are seeing the Father. He and the Father are one. Therefore, taking to heart his commandment to love God with our everything -all our heart, mind, body and strength-should get our heart tuned to the proper frequency. Then, and only then, can we go to our neighbor and love them properly. It's not love as we define it, but rather as God does.
The language of the heart is not a man-made language. The apostle Paul stated it best in 1st Corinthians 13. "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal."
The language of the heart is not only words. This is one of the most significant things that my head has a hard time recognizing. We are all aware that communication is much more than just verbalization. Our looks, our body language and our written words convey and communicate meaning. Many times the meaning is not what we thought it was or intended.
There is a special communication that happens when we are truly speaking the language of the heart. It's an intense, honest, humble, respectful…loving tone. It involves your whole being and you can feel it. At those precious times when I either hear or speak this language I'm inevitably blinking back tears.

This language is not man-made, but rather God-given. It's good to remember that God, through the Holy Spirit, dwells within us. "We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express"(Romans 8:26). Here is proof that this language is more than words.
Your prayers to God can be expressed in that special language of the Spirit. For the benefit of others we must know how to speak in words we all understand. If it is spirit-filled it will still be the honest language of the heart. The words we use should lift us up, educate and encourage. Paul goes to great lengths in his first letter to the Corinthians to let us know that speaking in tongues is a gift, but better that we are spirit-filled and saying things that are understandable.

Look, Listen and Love

I know that I have much to learn from God and other believers. Listening with my heart and not my head opens me up to a message that I often miss. As with so much of living our faith the key is to deny my selfish interests and be more interested in others.
This is accomplished by, to use a crass term, shutting up. I need to talk less and listen more. Instead of thinking about what I'm going to say when someone else is talking I need to give my full attention. God's messengers are all around us. I'm frequently surprised.
Try hearing with your heart. Try speaking from your heart. Learn to embrace this special language. God is constantly revealing His love to us.

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More Poems Bellow

Be In Harmony With Every Man

Sometimes one of the most challenging things to say or give is an apology.Many times we just don't have the right words or just don't know how to say sorry, many times also- we just refuse to say it. Maybe this is just me, but I hate having to admit that I was in the wrong. Sometimes I think it would be so much easier if we didn't have to apologize. What happened to "Forgive and Forget?" Although I know I have issues, because when somebody wrongs me or hurts my feelings, I automatically expect an apology of some sort.
However small you think the mistake may be could have devastating effects on your relationships if sorry is not in your vocabulary. Go ahead,say you are sorry.Apologize! If you don't, theres a chance they won't forgive you.Don't let your pride get in the way of your friendship! Here are some ideas and tips to make this process easy, maybe even fun!Show that special person that you do care!
Simply say that you are sorry. Say it like you mean it. Don't apologize if you're not sorry. Lying will only make things worse as the other person will sense the pretense.


1) Be sure that you can admit any wrong doing. Telling this person that you are in the wrong lets them see that you know why/how you have offended them. You could explain the reasoning behind your actions, but you don't need to.

2) Find out how you can make it right. Ask them what you could do to fix this. Reassure them that you will not do 'this' again.

3) Ask them for forgiveness. But remember that it is their choice whether they give it to you or not. Being truly sorry means that you want to put the whole mess behind you. Being forgiven means that it will never be drug up again. True forgiveness means burying your differences for good.

4) You are human.Everybody makes mistakes.Accept this and move on.Forgive yourself.

5) Send them an E-card!Perfect way to express yourself!Step 7
Sending flowers or small gifts are also a great way to make up and say you are sorry!They will enjoy how thoughtful you really are.You will be amzed at how flowers can so easily 'fix' things!

Credit to:

Today, there are divorces even in the Church as a result of pride and Christian not been able to say sorry. Sorry has become so expensive that- men and women cannot use it. There are wars and tribal fight all over as a result of "I am too proud to say sorry".

Deity Of Christ In Old Testament

There are scriptures about the Deity Of Christ In Old Testament times. Those who have not read the Bible for a very long time, may not know about the deity of Christ in Old Testament times. In the Gospels, Jesus referred to Himself many times as God or deity when confronted by the Pharisees about who He is. For example, in the book of John, Jesus tells the Pharisees "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM".

This reference to Himself as "I AM" or God, is the same statement that God made to Moses in Exodus chapter three. This is one of the boldest, most clear statements Jesus ever made in the Gospels about the Lord's diety. The Pharisees knew exactly what He was saying, and wanted to stone Him for it. It is incredible that the Lord was quoting the Tanakh to them about references to Himself. Rather than humbling themselves and opening their eyes and hearts, they felt they had to prop up their pride and deride Him for speaking to them, or teaching them about the scriptures. To them, the Lord was unlearned, but seemed to have a special insight into the Tanakh.

In reality, there are numerous references to Jesus in the Old Testament.What does deity mean? It is making a claim to being a King or royalty. In this case, THE King or Creator of the universe. The Jewish people thought the Messiah would be a military king, and did not consider that their need required a spiritual King of their hearts. This is exactly what Jesus, promised Messiah was, and this is why they did not accept Him as their Messiah. They were not looking in the right place. However, there are references to Jesus in the Old Testamentthat the Jewish people read, but do not understand as being prophetic references to Him. For example, in the book of Micah, there is the description about the Lord's birth in Bethlehem. The story goes on to describe the Lord's deity and scope of rule. The scripture says "But you, Bethlehem of Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me, the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting .

This term "from everlasting" literally means "the days of eternity". Attached to this verse is yet another reference to the deity of Jesus in Old Testament times in the book of Isaiah. In Isaiah it says "His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, The Everlasting Father". At the beginning of this reference to Jesus in the Old Testament, is a description of the Lord's birth. "Unto us a Son shall be given..". So, in the same reference is His birth, and it ends with the description of the Lord being the "Everlasting Father". Another reference to the deity of Jesus in the Old Testament, actually begins with a reference given by the Lord to Pilate in the Gospels. When being questioned, Pilate asks Christ if He is the king of the Jews. The Lord says this in verse 36: "My kingdom is not of this world". A cross reference to this verse is Daniel chapter 2 verse 44. In this reference is a description of the kingdom the Lord is talking about.

"And in the days of these kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever". Here is a description of the Lord's kingdom, which is spiritual, of the heart. An earthly king can never reign in the hearts of mankind, and so the only king who can reign spiritually is a king who is an everlasting God, absolute deity.References to Jesus in the Old Testament are in several places. They are in the book of Daniel, in Isaiah, in Psalms and in Micah. Many of these reference Him as the coming Messiah, his place of birth and the scope of His kingdom. One day He will come again to the Earth as the Judge, and will create a new heaven and new Earth, where He will reign forever in a literal kingdom. So, He will be in both men's hearts and reign physically. All kingdoms of the new Earth will bow to Him.

Perhaps this is why the Lord said that His kingdom is not of this Earth, because he was speaking in a dual manner - His kingdom is both of men's hearts and one day, on the new Earth. References to the deity of Christ in Old Testament times were always speaking of what would happen in the future, both in the not too distant future, and the future thousands of years hence as well. Therefore, the Jesus in the Gospels is also the God of Israel spoken of in the Old Testament. Because the Jews never accepted Jesus as the coming Messiah, and therefore do not accept the New Testament, then they do not have the benefit of the references Christ made to Himself in the Old Testament or Tanakh. However, Christians have a wonderful opportunity to present these truths to them and show the Jews the deity of Christ in Old Testament times, contrasting and cross-referencing comments by Jesus in the Gospels. There is no doubt that Jesus is God or deity.
All it takes is a comparison of the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah with New Testament comments made by Jesus.

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